
Webinar Automated Micro Hardness Testing Equipment

This webinar offers an introduction into the QATM Q60 EVO Hardness Tester and an overview of its capabilities. You will learn about our micro/macro hardness capabilities, along with microstructure and weld analysis all in one.

This webinar is primarily for people that are interested in learning the capabilities and new technology available within the hardness testing world.


  • Software ease of use
  • XYZ accuracy
  • Rotating Knoop Indenter
  • Microstructure Analysis
    • Weld
    • Phase
    • Thickness
    • Grain Size

Presented by:

Ryan Fowler, Applications Specialist for Hardness Testing at Verder Scientific US
Ryan has been in the material science industry for over 20 years with experience in sample preparation, Image Analysis and Hardness Testing. He is also a member of both ASM and ASTM committees.

Webinars On-Demand

Language: English