
Precision cut-off machine Qcut 150 A

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The Qcut 150 A is a flexible precision cut-off machine which is used with cut-off wheels up to a diameter of 203 mm/8”.

The compact benchtop model performs automatic as well as manual cuts with the ergonomic lever. The optional clamping arm with built-in force sensor ensures low-deformation cuts due to a precise force-controlled feed rate.

Product Advantages

  • Up to 5 different modes: manual, automatic feed, force-controlled feed, grinding mode, cutting with table attachment (depending on machine configuration)
  • Manual cross feed
  • Zone cutting function
  • 4 different cooling systems availabe
  • Dressing device
  • Intuitive QATM software with integrated database
Force-controlled cutting

Force-controlled cutting

The cutting force gets precisely controlled by an integrated force-sensor. It keeps the cutting force constant by adjusting the feed rate automatically throughout the cutting process.

Table attachment

With the tool-free mountable table attachment PCBs, plate material or large samples can be quickly sectioned manually.



The new functionality “zone cutting” allows for setting feed rate or cutting force individually for single sections of the specimen for one cutting operation. Material deformation and warming are thus reduced, making the cutting process more effective.

Reduces subsequent grinding processes

Reduces subsequent grinding processes

The use of the adaptive rotation axis leads to an even more uniform cutting pattern and reduces the risk of the cut-off wheel running. This reduces the effort required for later plane-parallel grinding of the sample.

Grinding mode

Grinding mode

In grinding mode, samples can be grinded down with a cup wheel manually or semi-automatically (Target preparation).

This instrument is ideally suited for geology and mineralogy applications

Perfect cutting - Consumables by Qprep

Cutting is more reliable, safe and efficient when processed with the right ingredients: knowledge, care and the right choice of consumables and instruments.

Fast, Powerful, Flexible - Clamping devices by Qtools

Our innovative clamping devices are used to clamp workpieces securely and precisely to ensure exact cutting and grinding processes. There is a wide range of different clamping devices that have been developed for specific applications and workpiece sizes.