
Precision cut-off machine Qcut 150 A

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Basic Equipment

Machine (1 item required)

Qcut 150 A (Brillant 210 A) Base machine 200-240V, 50/60Hz
Qcut 150 A (Brillant 210 A) Base machine 100-120V, 50/60Hz

Recirculation system (1 item required)

A1870022Qcut 150 A cutting wheel immersion cooling
A1870023Qcut 150 A recirculation cooling system 15 Ltr.
A1870024Qcut 150 A recirculation cooling system 45 Ltr., mobile
A1870025Qcut 150 A recirculation cooling system 45 Ltr., for system lab
A1870026Fresh water cooling system

Options (to be ordered with machine)

A1870027Dressing device
A1870028Qcut 150 A preparation rotation device

Options (can be ordered separately)

Z1870031Sample holder arm L standard
Z1870033Sample holder arm L incl. cutting-force control
Z1870059Rotation device type RD1
Z1870020Table attachment
Z1870021Qcut 150 A splash guard large angled
Z1870023Parallel cutting guide
Z1870024Angle cutting guide
Z1870022Cutting guide fixed 90°
Z1870050Flange set Ø 59 mm
Z1870051Flange set Ø 99 mm
Z1870052Flange set Ø 139 mm
Z1870035Sample holder L standard Ø 40 mm open, Clamping_vices
Z1870037Sample holder L standard Ø 40 mm closed, Clamping_vices
Z1870039Sample holder L Flex Ø 40 mm, Clamping_vices
Z1870043Sample holder L parallel clamping vice open, Clamping_vices
Z1870041Sample holder L parallel clamping vice closed, Clamping_vices
Z1870045Drop shape sample holder L Ø 40 mm, Clamping_vices
Z1870047Universal clamping vice L, Clamping_vices
Z1870049Matrix clamping vice L, Clamping_vices
Z1870054Mini vice L, Clamping_vices
Z1870056Double parallel vice L, Clamping_vices
Z1870058Adaptor with ball joint L, Clamping_vices
Z1870064Reduction ring Ø 25 mm, Clamping_vices
Z1870063Reduction ring Ø 30 mm, Clamping_vices
Z1870071Reduction ring Ø 40 mm, Clamping_vices
Z1870067Reduction ring 1", Clamping_vices
Z1870066Reduction ring 1 1/4", Clamping_vices
Z1870065Reduction ring 1 1/2", Clamping_vices
Z1870068Manual chuck Ø 32 mm, Clamping_vices
Z1870069Manual chuck Ø 44 mm, Clamping_vices

Vacuum clamping vices, Clamping_vices

Z1870028Vacuum sample holder, Clamping_vices
01870288Vacuum holder (sacrificial plate), Clamping_vices
Z1304600Vacuum pump 230V/50Hz for vacuum sample holder, Clamping_vices
Z1304634Vacuum pump 110V/60Hz for vacuum sample holder, Clamping_vices

Universal vices and accessories, Clamping_vices

92005796Longitudinal v-shoe, Clamping_vices
92005797Traverse v-shoe, Clamping_vices
92005799Longitudinal bridge, Clamping_vices
92005800Traverse bridge, Clamping_vices
92005798Standard clamping shoe, Clamping_vices
Z1350007Height adapter 60mm Piccolo, Clamping_vices
Z1350003Height adapter 74mm Mono, Clamping_vices
95003172Clamping arm extension Piccolo 54 and Mono 61, Clamping_vices
Z1304591Fixing screw M6 x 25, Clamping_vices
95003169Fixing screw Piccolo M8 x 25, Clamping_vices
95003170Fixing screw Piccolo M10 x 25, Clamping_vices
95003168Fixing screw Mono M10 x 32, Clamping_vices
91001157T-slot nut - stainless M6 x 8, Clamping_vices
91001161T-slot nut - stainless M8 x 10, Clamping_vices
91001159T-slot nut - stainless M8 x 12, Clamping_vices
91001158T-slot nut - stainless M10 x 12, Clamping_vices